Coming in 2025……. The most popular slowpitch tournament in Western New York returns! The DNA Draft is a fun filled weekend of softball and meeting new people and FINALLY we are leaving the nest to spread the party around the northeast! With alumni players from 24 states and 2 countries, these events are much more laid back and family friendly than your traditional competitive tourneys. Whether you’re a casual league night player, a seasoned tourney team member or coming out to play for the first time, EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Your entry fee also includes a bunch of DNA gear so your team also looks the part over the weekend!


Upcoming Events


Spring Draft

May 17th-18th 2025

Hopkins Road Softball Park Liverpool NY

Empire State Mini Draft

June 21st 2025

Niagara Falls Reservoir State Park Niagara Falls NY

Summer Draft

July 26th-27th 2025

Niagara Falls Reservoir State Park Niagara Falls NY

Fall Draft

September 27th-28th 2025

Niagara Falls Reservoir State Park Niagara Falls NY

Register Here


Tournament Format - 5 Game Guarantee:

3 Game pool play to determine seeding then move into a double elimination championship bracket. Seeding is decided by W/L record, then runs scored, then run differential.


Pitch Arc: 4ft-10ft (From Ground) MUST HAVE ARC. Pump Fakes are NOT allowed. MAT ONLY is a strike. Pitches will not be called illegal in the air, batters if it’s close be ready to swing! PITCHERS, IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU WEAR A HELMET OR FACE MASK. PUT YOUR HEALTH FIRST, PROTECT YOURSELF!


Pitch Count: 1-1 With a Courtesy Foul on 2 strikes.


Home Runs: 6 then Out. Female HRs count.


Lineup: - Each team must present their lineup to the other team before 1st pitch. Each team will be supplied with a Scorebook, to keep score and keep track of the opposing team. Each team MUST bat all players. However only (10) will take the field. You may play all your girls in the field at 1 time and sit all males if your team chooses too. You must not sit more than 1 female at a time. There is NO set way to do your lineup/batting order, you can make the order however you please.  


Courtesy Runner: 1 runner per inning per gender. Pitcher gets courtesy runner as well if wanted that does not count towards inning total.

ADA runner (Amputee) gets a runner for each at bat that will run from home plate for them. The runner will be the last out of the same sex. 


No Stealing


COED Rules: Females can play anywhere in the field.  Females CAN be thrown out at 1st base from an outfield position in any way. There is No Coed Line. Only 1 male and 1 female may EH. Cannot have 2 females EH so that a team can have more males in the field.


Time limits: No new inning after 60 mins. Once umpire announces that you have hit 60 mins, you finish the inning you are currently in. If 60 mins hits during bottom to top inning change, you complete that new inning. There is no Time Limit for the Championship and “IF” Game.


Walks: If a guy is walked the girl behind him has the OPTION to hit or walk. IF the girl decides to hit the guy only goes to 1st base. If she decides to walk, he goes to 2nd.


Extra Innings: played as normal in bracket play until a winner is decided but only 1 inning during pool play. If after 1 inning the game is still tied, it ends in a tie. If time limit hits and you finish that inning tied, the game ends in a tie for pool play games.


Balls: Women must hit provided women’s 11” softballs OR 12” provided men’s softballs if they prefer. Men must hit provided 12” mens softballs. 


Bats allowed: Any USSSA Slow Pitch Softball Bat with a 220 or 240 stamp OR any USA/ASA slow pitch softball bat with a 2013 ASA stamp or new USA stamp. NO SENIOR BATS. Any bat on the USSSA banned list is NOT allowed. Caution, we will be using usssa balls. ASA/USA bats are more likely to be damaged with the harder balls…. Plan accordingly.




Roster Additions: NO additions will be made to any roster unless tournament director adds them. In the event a player drops leading up to within 1 week of event, the tournament director will make best attempt to fill the empty roster spot with someone who is on the official waiting list. 


Injuries: If a player gets hurt during a game and cannot continue playing, the next time that player comes up in the lineup it will be recorded as an out. Every time after that will NOT be counted as an out and that player will be skipped. A player who cannot bat because of an injury cannot play the rest of the tournament. 


Awards/Prizes: If you or your team wins an award/prize, you must be on the current roster to claim. If you leave early, you DO NOT receive any of the prizes your team won without you.


Weather:  Tournament director reserves all rights to modify any game to a 1-pitch, shorten game times or eliminate play-in games and/or 0-2 bracket games in the event of time constraints due to Weather.

In the event of bad weather or anything that forces a tournament cancellation, no refunds will be given as players will have received a gear package with a retail value of $200. Tourney prizes will be randomized to all entries using random.org. We never want to cancel a tourney, but weather/options if Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate are out of our hands. We will do everything we can to play but if we cannot all gear items and prizes will be distributed in a fair manner.

In the event of cancellation after the pool play games but before the conclusion of the tournament, the Top 2 remaining teams in the championship bracket will receive the prizes. If there are more than 2 undefeated teams still remaining, we will determine the 1st and 2nd place teams off of run differential from throughout the whole tournament (pool play and bracket play).


Umpires and first 6 balls (4 male, 2 female) will be provided by the tournament director. If you need more balls, they will be for sale at the DNA tent. 


Everyone MUST be in the batting lineup and play AT LEAST 1 inning in the field per game. There are 0 exceptions to this rule. Everyone is here to play and MUST play in each game. 

****Once draft is completed and you are put on a team, your payment is NON-REFUNDABLE! At that point your jersey production has begun and cannot be stopped. You will be shipped your jersey package in the mail. You may request a refund up until the day before the scheduled draft date (will be posted on DNA DRAFT INFO page on FB). ****


1. Encourage positive sportsmanship by your teammates and your spectators by being a positive example yourself.

2. You will be held accountable for your spectators behavior as well as your own. Help your spectators and fellow teammates regain control if they get inappropriately carried away with their emotions.

3. Be Supportive and accept wins and losses. Give positive feedback to other players instead of bringing each other down when your team loses.

4. Respect the complex we are playing at and pick up your garbage/belongings before leaving. We are VERY proud of our tournament's excellent reputation, and plan to keep it that way. If you or your spectators are found to be blatantly breaking this rule, you risk the chance of being suspended from future events.

5. Interact positively with players and spectators of the opposing team or do not interact with them at all.

6. Do not openly or directly criticize the umpire before, during or after games. If you have a rules question, we will be happy to answer that for you. But the call on the field is what STANDS.

7. Any Formal complaint shall only be done in writing by you to the tournament director. All complaints will be heard and evaluated. REMEMBER without umpires, there is NO game.

8. If any player is kicked out of a game by an umpire for breaking any of these players conduct rules, he/she is ejected from the complex IMMEDIATELY. This includes the parking lot, spectator areas AND surrounding property for the remainder of the tournament. Depending on the severity of the event, you may be banned from any future DNA events. This ruling will be sent to you privately after investigation.

9. Any player who touches, bumps, physically contacts or verbally abuses a game official in a malicious manner will be immediately kicked out of the game and banned for life from any future DNA event.

10. ANY act of violence, fighting, verbal harassment or threats of any kind made by any player or spectator will result in immediate removal from the complex and possible legal action against the parties involved. Any involved parties will receive a lifetime ban from any DNA events, which also includes attending or spectating at any DNA function. THERE ARE 0 EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.

11. All players must follow the rules and regulations of the complex we are visiting. If it says no alcohol in the park, that means no alcohol in the park. Please make sure to look at the parks rules before signing up if you are concerned about breaking any of these regulations.

12. You will be asked to leave if you are visible drunk or under the influence and being a nuisance to others or obstructing gameplay in any way. Have fun, but don't let it result in breaking any of the above rules or not having common decency towards other players and spectators.

13. Have fun and be respectful to others and their families.

Signing up and registering for any DNA DRAFT TOURNAMENT means you have read and understand the rules of behavior and the consequences outlined within this Code of Conduct document as a VOLUNTARY player in this event. You also acknowledge that you are responsible for your spectator's sideline behavior and actions as well. Thank you.